Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Buttons Buttons, more and more Buttons...
There are two new buttons on my side panel.
One is a moms for modesty website. I find modesty to be quite an issue in today's girls apparel. I find immodest hussy wear offensive, and I actively seek clothing that is both beautiful as well as modest. Modest doesn't have to mean frumpy. But some of the girls clothing at stores today are utterly unacceptable. This website is neat, and they even have a petition you can sign, to influence retailers into a more modest way.
The other new button is about TRUE foods. By true it is meant, NO Genetic engineering, or not Genetically modified. When you click on this link, you can also get a list of company's and products that are, and a list that are not genetically modified.
So THAT is what the new buttons are about! Be blessed!

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